Happy Love Day – 2/14/22

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Today’s message has everything to do with love, keeping your heart open, and YOU. Specifically, you loving you. And you loving others because you recognize the light. And ultimately, letting Source flow through you to help the next one (whether human, animal, or tree).

To start off, let’s talk about loving yourself. This means loving every single part of your human form and presence. As humans, we’ve placed labels on actions, thoughts, and feelings as either “bad” or “good”. Spoiler alert: the Universe doesn’t care about those labels. We’re here to learn and grow, and that comes with good and bad. What we perceive is “bad” can simply be a learning experience, or a means to an end. These “bad” experiences are necessary, and they help us stay strong and moving forward. What I’m dancing around here is that you’ve got to accept the bad with the good. Make friends with your flaws. Part of doing that is acknowledging them and sharing them with others. I’ll go first! I tend to get caught up in drama and gossip, sometimes I just listen, but other times I throw in a comment or two (or five). Where I used to maybe dwell on the subject a bit too long, I now step back and recognize my humanness. There’s a little trick here to this part, though, that takes a bit longer to nail down; don’t beat yourself up. Don’t even do it. All you have to do is recognize the thought process, behavior, or words, and acknowledge the human in it – KNOWING you are so much more as a spiritual being on Earth. 

Now, on to the next part. After you’ve done all of that wonderful work, and you’re well on your way to accepting yourself and loving all if your fabulousness – just sit. Sit in silence, focusing on your heart chakra and listen. You may find that those messages, “knowings”, even visions come much clearer. Because why? Because accepting and loving yourself fully is in turn doing the same for the Universe/Source/God/et al. Your heart will start to open up in so many ways, it will make your head spin – in a good way. 😉 

Love each other and support each other. That, my friends, is what we are here for. 


Peacock & Meerkat – 2/11/22

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I have a very long history of making myself small, adapting and transforming my outward appearance. My speech, clothing, mannerisms, et al., were awkward for me and seemed to make me feel even more alien to other people than I already did. I’ll state the obvious here and say I had been trying to make myself into what I thought other people wanted from me.

Yes, I am a recovering people-pleaser, and yes, I went that far. Mostly subconsciously, but the fact remains that I didn’t want to show them Aimee. At the same time, I’ve always felt that I had something other-worldly that I needed to share with the world. Does this sound familiar? I see this Peacock card not only as encouragement to step out boldly and create from your heart, but to also feel the freedom of not altering that in any way. As with all lessons, there is no instant “fix”. As long as we are in these human bodies, we will always work for it. What I can promise you is that peace sitting right in your belly, taking the place of those anxious flares that shoot up through your heart and throat; all-consuming. It doesn’t have to be that way. In the same way you’re being encouraged to be bold, stand up and be fierce about your fears. Face them head on – awareness is key!

The Meerkat simply reminds us that we are not alone. Search your soul to pinpoint those people that you can trust, you’ll know – listen to your gut. And while you’re there, check in with your guides just to remind yourself that you are never truly alone on this journey.
For me personally, I’m starting a brand-new project, something I’ve never tackled before. You know what I did the first week after deciding I was going to do it? Write down ideas as they came to me and then proceed to fret to death over them. My sweet soul sister texted me today and let me know I could bounce ideas off her. DUH, AIMEE. I could have saved myself some days of spinning. I knew she would be happy to help me with anything, but why didn’t I reach out? Because of the behavior I described above. See how these animal energies are working together for you? All you have to do is ask.


Your Heart Knows the Way Oracle Cards – 2/10/22

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#48 – Lean in Anyway
#28 – Allow Yourself to Shine

This is one of the hardest lessons I’ve had to learn, and believe me, it’s one that keeps on giving. I have been hugely reminded of this recently – YOU are the only human holding yourself back. I know you’ve heard that before along with the words “self-sabotage” and can also lead to playing the “blame game”. Why haven’t you started that book? Are you really just “still in the planning phases”, or did you pitch a tent and build a fire there?
Listen, it’s perfectly ok to be afraid. We came into this world agreeing to embrace and learn from the human experience, didn’t we?
This is where you grow. You’re questioning your fear. You’re questioning your self-confidence, maybe it’s not where you thought it was or where it should be? Sit for a moment in your awareness, take control and ask the fear where it came from. Then gently introduce it to your heart chakra. The fear came in when we were born to protect us in our human bodies. But that is not where we create from, is it? Where that deep passion comes from, fear cannot live.
Lean in to the whispers, answer the calls that come from within.

Queen of Swords

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Good morning, beauties!

I drew this card for the collective this morning:

Queen of Swords – This Queen is honest, protective, intelligent, and also very quirky and funny. She can represent struggles in your past that have ultimately given you strength, compassion, and wisdom which can give you a love to protect and empathise with others who aren’t able to protect themselves.
This can also symbolise the struggle between the head and the heart. so funny this came out this morning, a few of the readings I’ve done this week alone touched on getting out of your head and paying attention to your heart, gut, and intuition. Don’t wear yourself out with the mind wrestling – ease into the knowing that you already have in your sprit. ALSO! Interestingly enough, today is Thursday, which is ruled by the Heart Chakra. Wear your green to elevate your heart, and send all of those pesky, swirling thoughts in your head straight there to transform.

Blessed Thursday!

Love & Light to you all! ✨AP