WAKE UP TIME – 2.24.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.24.22 940x788

I know you all probably see the invasion of Ukraine going on today, and it is absolutely heartbreaking. I’ve seen posts already all day long asking their groups what we should be doing spiritually to support those harmed by war and destruction. I can just feel the people of the country crying out for help.

There’s a lot of awakening going on collectively right now, look around you. I can count on two hands how many people just in my circle are evolving and ascending, and quickly. I drew cards today to ask the Universe what needed to be shared in this climate. The message I received ties both the war and awakening together. What we can do is hold space for and share our light with those needing it badly right now. Light a candle, say a prayer. It might seem like inaction, but this is powerful and putting that kind of energy into the situation can only help.

The cards show a Tower crisis – this translates to both the invasion as well as your personal growth. The destruction is always necessary for cleansing and rebuilding a stronger foundation. It HURTS, even in an awakening.

7 of Wands reminds us to stand in our beliefs and truths, protecting our hearts, protecting our space and energy, but also sharing the Light. See the lady on the card who is shielding her heart with her protective bubble, but her solar plexus chakra is still shining brightly.

7 of Swords reversed, in this case, signals a change of perception, or a realization of your conscious, maybe even a complete change of heart. We may be feeling some shifts just watching what is happening across the world right now. That intense energy, amongst other things, are stirring your spirit and waking you up to your true self and the world around you. Pay attention.


“Justice is the sum of all moral duty.” – William Godwin

Deck Credit – The Light Seer’s Tarot

BRAVERY – 2.23.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.23.22 940x788

There are so many changes going on right now in the collective, both spiritually and Earth-bound. I can’t tell you one person I’ve talked to recently that hasn’t seen a big change of some form in their lives. It’s scary as hell! A little thrilling (or a lot to some), but basically, it’s a lot of panic, worry, and fear. For most. Some know the secrets to moving past these annoyances. Not saying they don’t pop up, because we are all human. But the more practice you have, the quicker and easier it will be to shift. What’s the secret, you ask? I don’t know what theirs are (so many!), but I’ll tell you mine. It took some work and real self-awareness to be able to make it effective, but holy frijoles, it’s pretty damn useful and surprisingly cool when you get the knack of it.

The secret key is perspective shifts. Realizing that we are here as spiritual beings, in a human suit, clouded by human brains and emotions, is where you start. Noticing the human “role” you’re playing and loving your human form unconditionally. The best way I can describe that in words is, loving yourself the way your mother loves you. Using that love to empower you, shift your perspective to an observer instead of standing right in the middle of the chaos. This allows you to move through the motions of what is needed, guided by Love (Source). This simple action in your mind’s eye drops the fear, panic, and worry about the outcomes and allows you to move forward with confidence and ready for the next phase of your journey. Because why? Because now you’re free.

Just a small note about big bravery. My little one’s class encountered a swarm of bees living in one of the trees on their playground at school yesterday. That’s all we heard about last night, because she was one of the first to alert everyone else (by running and crying into the building and leaving everyone else to fend for their lives!), but she had a deep fear and booked it. Into the night, we had big talks about bravery and how it’s ok to be scared.

Goodness, there’s so much more I want to write (another day, another blog!)


“Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the action in the face of fear” – Mark Messier

Deck Credit – Labyrinth Wisdom Cards
Tony Christie

GHOSTLANDS – 2.22.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.22.22 940x788

This is probably the third message I’ve gotten this afternoon, telling me to be present in some way. I’ve been asking the Universe today for some specifics on things for my future, info on projects I’m starting to work on and that kind of thing. Like, I’ve been feeling the pulls and seeing the signs, but what does it really mean, very specifically, Universe?? Ha! Well, my answer first came in the form of a Polar Bear, reminding me of my Divine purpose and journey – that I do not know the future, but all I can do is follow those pulls and trust. Move forward, do the work, and stay connected. Sitting down to pull a card for this message, I was reminded again to focus on now and what steps or progress I’m making today. Spending too much time in the past (though learning from it is also key) and fretting about the future. All of that takes time away from what I’m doing today.

Yesterday, I was hit in the face with the realization that I haven’t fully dealt with some things about when I was younger, and my parents got divorced. I have been carrying around with me that ol’ ball and chain – the pain and anger about men walking away from me. That’s really hard for me to write. But I was triggered by something my husband did that wasn’t near as serious as I was making it out to be. It was a familiar feeling of anger and white-hot hurt. I was shocked because I thought I had dealt with all of those issues and moved on. But then I saw it. I finally knew the root of that issue, and now I could finally heal it for reals. So, in that case, I briefly visited the past and learned from it, and moved on.

I appreciate you all reading and giving me the space to be vulnerable. Always in hopes that it can help somebody, thus spreading the Light!


“The whole future lives in uncertainty: live immediately” – Seneca

Deck Credit – The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid

ATTACHMENT – 2.21.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.21.22 940x788

Letting go, Restriction, Fear

What story are you currently attached to?

Most of the time, we claim attachment to people, things, ideas, pride, vanity, etc. But at the end of the day, the Universe teaches us that basically, each human life is a story we are here playing out on Earth’s stage. The purpose being to learn, grow; and in turn, to teach and lead others to the Light. With that being said, yes – it’s a story, but it’s one that we can change at will. What story are you clinging to, and blinding yourself from the tools necessary to cut the ropes? You yearn for freedom to be you and to be able to say, do, and think the way you want to. Listen, that doesn’t have to be a dream. That can be your story! Whatever reasons or grievances you have in your head for the reason you can’t move forward, I bet they are all tied to outside people and forces. What about you? Don’t YOU get a say in how your story plays out? I know you see me dancing around this…STOP THE VICTIM MENTALITY. That is a choice.

As I spoke about yesterday, I was attached to a very long, deep winding story I created on my own, as the self-proclaimed “Giver”. It probably started out as a way to get people to like me – I had a very strange childhood, socially. People and peers saw me as powerful and cheerful, but that’s not what I had going on inside. There lived a very sad and scared little girl who had no idea what her place in the world meant, and so far, it just felt like she was in the way. So, I made myself small, and wanted to serve others so that maybe they could see the good I wanted to do in the world, but they wouldn’t have to necessarily see me. That evolved over a lifetime, and as you can imagine, created a ton of agony for adulthood. Welp, I’m done with it. That doesn’t mean I no longer want to serve others, I do now more than ever! But going back to yesterday’s message, I serve from a place of love for myself first. I serve from a page in my new and ever evolving storybook, as a chance to connect and share, not a chance to make myself small.


“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison

Deck Credit – Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno

Be In Service of Love – 2.20.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.20.22 940x788

I wanted to share with you all a moment that I will not soon forget, or ever. I was at the Conscious Life Expo in LA at the beginning of this month, and I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Ellie Shoja, the creator of this deck. She was actually one of our booth neighbors, and we had met her the day before the expo started while we were all setting up and getting our booths ready. The next day, when she was back with her decks and books, I walked over to check it out – being a deck junkie and all. She asked me to pull a card and she would read what she had written in the book for it. Immediately, I felt like I couldn’t breathe, and my eyes started welling up. THIS is what I was missing. It was the beginning of an activation, signs and synchronicities that are still shocking me every single day. My lesson here is that YES, I can still be of service to others and nurture my face off (’cause that’s what I do), but now I realize that if I’m not shining my own light (ignoring my needs), there’s no connection.

Here is what Ellie wrote about this card:

Have you lost yourself in service to others? Have you compromised so much that you no longer recognize your own needs?

In your desire to serve, you’ve prioritized other people’s demands. You’ve thought that by losing yourself, you can help them be found. But the blind cannot lead the blind into light. Your disconnection from your Source gives birth to disconnection in them.

This card reminds you that you cannot show others the way if you are lost yourself. It is when you find yourself that you become a beacon, guiding others home.

To find yourself, you must be in service to love, not in service to them. Love does not engage in outrage. It does not make some people wrong and others right. Love does not exclude or condemn. Love does not ask for sacrifice. It does not require the forsaking of needs.

Today, stop all your efforts and sit in stillness instead. Feel the energy of love swell up within your heart. Your only task today is to connect with this fountainhead of love. You know that you’ve found love by the clarity it provides. You know you’ve found yourself by the joy you feel.


Deck Credit – Your Heart Knows the Way
Ellie Shoja (IG: @braveellie)
Art by: Chris Dellorco

Field of Dreams – Wide Open – 2.19.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.19.22 940x788

Ideally, we all have our own dream garden, lush and green and dancing with energy. Ideally. This card combo made me stop and think about mine and all the aspects of it. How big is it? Are there borders or a fence? Is it boundless and limitless, with room to grow? I don’t really like the answers I found. It’s small (but bigger than it was!), there is a border (a wooden fence now, when I think there were high concrete walls before), and no. It’s not open to infinite growth. So, I’ve got some (more) work to do! Recently, my dreams have gotten a brand-new life and ideas have inspired me in ways I never dreamed they would. What’s the difference? I completely opened my heart to the possibilities. My dreams of what I want to create and become have never been clearer and more attainable to me than they are right now. And that is pretty damn exciting, I’m not gonna lie. It’s really like my brain got swapped out with another. I thought I was being a good little gardener (LOL – some people will get a good laugh at this) and honoring my dreams, giving them space to grow. What I missed was that I had them closed off so much trying to hide them (out of shame and fear), they didn’t get enough sunlight, water, and most importantly LOVE.

Break down those fences, one board at a time if you must. Check in with your dreams and wishes regularly, love and nurture them. You might be surprised at how they grow and change organically, just as you do. I can’t help but state the obvious of the green in the cards – the lush meadow and then the lady in the green dress, opening her Heart Chakra to the world and saying – I will not make myself small anymore. Say it with me – I WILL NOT MAKE MYSELF SMALL ANYMORE. The Universe is ready, just waiting for you to realize your greatness.


*For numerology purposes – notice how the card number 21 doubled is 42 (the second card number).
2+1=3 & 4+2=6, so 6+3=9
3, 6, 9 = Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. The Universe revolves around Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~Nikola Tesla

Deck Credit – The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid

HEALER – 2.18.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.18.22 940x788

What do you feel when you look at this card? This absolutely knocked me over when I drew it. I have had some synchronicities you would not believe revolving Jesus in the past 2 weeks. That is another long story that I will absolutely share with you all! For now, the message and events are still evolving.

What comes to mind for you when you see the word “healer”? We consider our earthly medical workers to be our number one healers, for so many obvious reasons. They are absolutely wonderful and necessary in this world. But what about all of the other stuff? Our minds may automatically go to Jesus, the stories of how he healed the masses are numerous and powerful. What if I told you we have the same healing energies at our disposal? That might shock some, but others, I know you know what I’m saying. I have always felt like I was a healer in some ways. All my life I’ve been the person people went to for advice, venting, or to talk something out. My chats with them had a therapeutic effect, and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a therapist or counselor of some kind. It just feels like home to me. Moving into this space of work, I’m able to do exactly what I’ve always been good at and have such a passion for. The other thing was/is teaching, and that’s also on my timeline. 😉

Another form of healing can simply be having empathy for others (humans, animals, plants, etc), and really move into a space of understanding and love. For humans (and even pets-LOL), we often have disagreements, harsh words and actions, and basically plain old judgements of the other. Observing them from a place of empathy will heal the harsh negative aspects, your connection together, and ultimately heal yourself. Reading between my lines – be the one who heals the rift. Even if the other is not responsive or rejects you, you are able to move on in love and without regret. Stop sitting around and fretting over what might happen or worrying how this will play out – take the reins and simply love.


Deck Credit: Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck
Tracee Dunblazier
Justine Serebrin

Where in your life do you feel the pull to heal the wounds? You could be suffering from past hurts that are keeping you from moving forward. That involves some deep-dive healing that may be very long overdue. You will probably be very surprised at how many barriers fall and blocks clear in your path when you do the healing work. Reach out to someone you trust if you need help getting started.

Achievement – 2.17.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.17.22 940x788

“Keep focused on your dream”

This card has so many layers for me today, the first being that staying focused on your dream and keeping your eye on the prize will manifest in ways you haven’t even thought of. I know when I realize something has manifested right before me, it’s often not exactly what I had in mind, but better. Better in a way that I didn’t even know would be better for me, know what I mean? It’s always a surprise for me, though I know I shouldn’t be anymore – but who doesn’t get excited about MAGIC?

Another layer that I felt pulling on my heart to talk about is focusing on YOUR dream. We look up to others who have paved the way for something that looks a lot like our dream, so we follow them and mimic their steps. This is not a bad thing, at the beginning. You’re still getting your feet under you and learning the base groundwork. But what happens when you suddenly have a grip on it and are blazing forward? Does your dream still look like yours, or is it a version of somebody else’s?

Do what feels right in your gut and in your heart. If it feels awkward and you keep finding excuses to not do it, what are you really doing then? A very wise lady recently told me that we should be creating from a “comfort zone”. Yes, push yourself out of a comfort zone to learn new things and grow, but when you’re creating – that’s a deep dive internally that you can only do alone. There’s a reason you were drawn to this path, but there’s also a calling to make it your very own.

As for me? I’m on this creative journey with you. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, but I keep learning and navigating every single day.


Speak Your Truth – 2.16.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.16.22 940x788

These cards led me on quite a journey to get to this message – wow. 


“Spirit is moving in you. You are wisdom and understanding” – What does this mean to you? It can mean so so many things. And for today’s message, there’s a common theme running around in my head with the throat chakra. I chose a blue candle to light before I started, not knowing why just yet. And then was reminded of today’s early morning conversation with a sweet soul sister, focusing on being confident and humble at the same time, void of arrogance. The first thing that popped in my head was “speak your truth with love”. Ahhh, here we go. And here is where Spirit moved within me after drawing this card. For an extra touch, I was drawn to notice the calm, light blue on the card itself. THEN, I immediately saw on my screen a quote from Oprah (lifetime fan over here!) that goes like this…

“Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.” –Oprah Winfrey

Ok, I hear you! 🙂

The Ancient Ones:

And here’s where the hard lesson and message comes in. Our anscestors, full of wisdom and understanding, are reminding us of who we are. We don’t have to be bound and chained to the generational and family curses passed down, it’s really time to break those once and for all. And probably the biggest part of that is speaking your truth with love. In my lifetime, I feel like I have definitely challenged patriarchs, pushed “taboo” boundaries, and have tried to break out of the mold that was already set for me long before I was born. That was all wonderful and I regret nothing. But, the difference now, is that it comes from a place of LOVE and not just rebellion and anarchy. Done out of love invites in healing and forgiveness, being able to break free and move on without guilt and without looking back. You have your family, your anscestors from all of your lives, standing right next to you, behind you, and above; but not in front, because that’s your journey alone to create.


Full Moon in Leo – 2.15.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.15.22 940x788

Today is the day the moon emerges as the Full Snow Moon in Leo. Rawr.

What do full moons mean to you? They’re a time for releasing whatever is no longer needed, talk to the Universe about your goals and wishes, create a ritual perhaps? For me, I’ve always thought the full moon brings out the “worst” in me. First, I noticed te pattern behavior that rises up during full moon energy and thought that was very interesting. Some moons down the road, and I was able to pin it as soon as the feelings crept up. Now? I am some kind of moody this morning (or was before I sat down to connect for this), and I’ve also noticed it’s about things that I want/need to stand up for. What bothers me during those times is injustice, the feeling of not having my heart heard, or I really feel like it’s the time to clean out the closet. I know, it sounds like a nightmare. But, it’s truly a gift! And I see that now. It took some baby moon steps, but I now know that the energy the full moon releases in me is GOOD, and necessary. As a human, I just have to learn how to channel it correctly. Moving forward, these can be very powerful time periods for me to manifest or whatever I want to do.

The point of all of this is MAGIC. Often people think of magic as like some fairytale action that we couldn’t possibly recreate on Earth. But that whole full moon process for me is magic. Synchronicities and meaningful “coincidences” are all magic, it’s the Universe doing it’s thing, and us being aware enough to see it. The magic lives inside of all of us, in the trees, animals, bugs, even the planets, the Sun, and the Moon. Stay aware. This magic gives birth to your dreams.


Deck Credit – Mystical Shaman Oracle
Alberto Villoldo
Colette Baron-Reid
Marcela Lobos