🔥 From Vision to Reality: The 2 & 3 of Wands Journey

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🌟 2 of Wands: Considering Your Options
The 2 of Wands represents a moment of contemplation and planning. When this card appears, it signifies that you are at a crossroads, carefully weighing your options and considering the paths available to you. It’s a time to envision your future and make strategic decisions about where you want to go. The figure in the card often holds a globe, symbolizing the vast possibilities and the need to choose wisely.

🌟 3 of Wands: Taking Action
Transitioning to the 3 of Wands, you move from planning to action. This card indicates that you have made your decision and are now ready to step forward with confidence. The figure in the card looks out over the sea, watching ships set sail, symbolizing the beginning of a new journey and the anticipation of future success. It’s a card of expansion, progress, and the realization of your plans.

🌟 How They Work Together
The 2 of Wands and 3 of Wands work together to illustrate the process of moving from contemplation to action. The 2 of Wands encourages you to take the time to consider your options and make informed decisions. Once you have clarity, the 3 of Wands urges you to take that leap of faith and move forward with your plans. Together, they remind you that careful planning followed by decisive action is the key to manifesting your goals.

🌟 Stepping Out in Faith
The overarching message of these cards is to step out in faith. Trust in your vision and the decisions you have made. The journey from the 2 of Wands to the 3 of Wands is about believing in yourself and the path you have chosen. By taking that first step, you open yourself up to new opportunities and the potential for great success.

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Navigating the Waters of Change: Embracing the 6 of Swords Journey

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⚔️ The 6 of Swords in the tarot deck beautifully embodies the idea of moving on to calmer waters, symbolizing a journey of transition and healing. This card often appears when you are leaving behind a challenging situation and moving towards a more peaceful and supportive environment.

🛶 The imagery on the card typically shows a boat moving away from turbulent waters towards a serene shore, representing the difficult yet necessary process of letting go of what no longer serves you. This journey can indeed be painful and shadowed with uncertainty, but it is a crucial step for personal growth and emotional healing.

Trusting the Universe is a key theme here. While our human minds are limited in their understanding, the Universe often has a grander plan that leads us to places better than we could have imagined. The 6 of Swords encourages you to trust this process, even when it feels scary. By allowing the Universe to steer your boat, you open yourself up to new opportunities and a more compassionate, fulfilling life.

💚 Embrace this transition with faith, knowing that the journey ahead, though it may not look like what you envisioned, holds the promise of a brighter and more harmonious future.


The 6 of Swords tarot card is rich with symbolism, each element contributing to its overall message of transition and healing.

The Boat: Central to the card, the boat represents a journey or transition. It signifies moving from a place of difficulty to one of peace and calm.

The Swords: The six swords standing upright in the boat symbolize the mental struggles and challenges you are leaving behind. They also serve as a reminder that while you are moving forward, the past still influences your journey.

The Water: The water beneath the boat is often depicted as turbulent on one side and calm on the other. This contrast highlights the transition from chaos to tranquility, emphasizing the emotional and mental shift taking place.

The Passengers: Typically, the card shows a figure steering the boat and another figure, often cloaked, sitting in the boat. The cloaked figure represents you or those you care about, moving towards a better place. The boatman symbolizes guidance and support, helping you navigate through this difficult transition.

The Horizon: The distant shore or horizon symbolizes hope and the promise of a better future. It serves as a beacon, guiding you towards a place of healing and renewal.

💚 Each of these elements works together to convey the card’s message of moving away from hardship and towards a more peaceful and fulfilling state. The 6 of Swords encourages you to trust in the journey and have faith that the Universe is guiding you to a better place.

💙 Connecting with Your Inner High Priestess: Embrace Your Intuition

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Piggybacking off of last week’s reflections, I’ve been connecting back with my intuition and The High Priestess. I’ve been taking the solitude and time for myself to slow down, take a good look at my surroundings, and just breathe through every moment. Knowing I don’t need to constantly try to “achieve” every single day between my full time job, mommy job, and also this passion gig. It’s perfectly ok to just BE.

In the tarot, The Hermit calls for introspection, solitude, and the quest for inner wisdom. This solitary path is not about isolation but about finding clarity and enlightenment within. The reverse reading of The Hermit could alternatively symbolize too much isolation or avoidance/rejection of your inner truth.

As you move through this process, The High Priestess presents herself as a vital guide. Traditionally, she represents intuition, mystery, and the subconscious. She’s the guardian of hidden knowledge and the bridge between the conscious and unconscious realms. Her presence in a reading often signifies the need to trust your inner voice and pay attention to your dreams and instincts.

✨ To carry The High Priestess’s energy with you every day, consider these practices:

1. Daily Meditation: Set aside a few minutes each day to meditate. This quiet time helps you connect with your inner self and listen to your intuition.

2. Journaling: Write down your thoughts, dreams, and feelings. This practice can reveal patterns and insights that might otherwise go unnoticed.

3. Mindful Moments: Throughout your day, take brief pauses to breathe deeply and center yourself. These moments of mindfulness can help you stay connected to your intuition amidst the chaos.

4. Trust Your Gut: Pay attention to your instincts and feelings. The High Priestess encourages you to trust your inner guidance, even when it defies logic.

These are only suggestions – they key is to always find what works best for YOU. As I always preach – there are no rules. If you find yourself getting anxious about if you’re “doing it right” or find yourself frequently using the word “should” or “shouldn’t”, let that be your reminder that by doing this, you are unconsciously limiting yourself. Open your heart and be open to the possibilities!

Aimee 🩷

💜 Embracing The Hermit’s Wisdom: The Power of Rest and Self-Reflection

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⛈ With this Tropical Storm heading our way, I’ve had to reschedule reading appointments and a class. This can be a bummer and a little frustrating for everyone, but for me, this is about the fifty-leventh message I’ve gotten about needing to slow down. So, I decided to just take advantage of the down time. It’s so easy for us to forget that this is not just a small part of self care and overall health, but a HUGE part! I’m embracing The Hermit today (maybe tomorrow, depending on what this storm does), and see what I find. 🙂

✨ Taking time to rest and tune into your inner self is incredibly beneficial. It allows you to reflect, recharge, and reconnect with your core values and desires. This practice of centering yourself helps you gain clarity, reduce stress, and make more mindful decisions. It’s like hitting the pause button in a busy world, giving you the space to listen to your inner voice and understand your true needs and aspirations.

✨ The Hermit tarot card beautifully embodies this practice. The Hermit represents introspection, solitude, and the quest for inner wisdom. When The Hermit appears in a reading, it often suggests a need to withdraw from the external noise and distractions to seek inner guidance. This card encourages you to take a step back, reflect on your journey, and gain deeper insights into your life and purpose.

✨ Self-awareness, as highlighted by The Hermit, is crucial for personal growth. By spending time alone and engaging in self-reflection, you become more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. This heightened awareness allows you to identify patterns, recognize areas for improvement, and celebrate your strengths. It fosters a deeper connection with yourself, leading to greater authenticity and fulfillment.

✨ In essence, taking rests and tuning into your inner self is a powerful practice that nurtures your well-being and supports your spiritual journey. Just as The Hermit guides you to seek wisdom within, embracing moments of solitude and reflection can illuminate your path and help you navigate life’s challenges with grace and insight.

Aimee 🩷😘

You’re Invited To…

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A Classical Seance!

Step into mystery and the mystical with our upcoming Classical Seance!

Join us for an evening of spiritual exploration and timeless wisdom. Embrace the unknown and connect with the energies beyond our physical realm.

📅 Date: July 20, 2024 🕖 Time: 7:00 PM 📍 Location: 808 NW 23rd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32609

This intimate gathering is designed for those who seek to unlock the secrets of the past, present, and future, and to commune with the spirits in a respectful and harmonious setting.

Whether you’re a skeptic or a believer, this Classical Seance promises to be an enlightening experience that will leave you with a deeper understanding of the spiritual world.

Arrive with an open heart & mind, and most importantly, an intention with a loved one who has passed over. This intention will be their invitation to join us and share any messages available.

Spaces are limited! Reserve your spot and prepare to embark on a path of discovery and awakening.

Tickets – $25 (advanced purchase only due to space limitation)

The veil is thin, and the spirits are waiting. Will you answer the call?

🌱 Embracing Life’s Journey

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🌟 Life’s journey is rarely a straight path; it’s more like a winding trail through forests and over mountains. Along the way, we encounter setbacks, detours, and unexpected turns. But each of these experiences contributes to our growth and understanding.

  • When we stumble or face obstacles, it’s an opportunity to learn. Mistakes are like signposts, guiding us toward better choices. They teach us resilience, adaptability, and humility.
  • Sometimes, we take unexpected turns—exploring side trails or getting lost for a while. These detours can lead to hidden treasures—a chance encounter, a new perspective, or a valuable lesson. Trust that even when you veer off your intended path, you’re still moving forward.
  • Let-downs and disappointments can feel heavy, like rainclouds blocking the sun. But they also water the soil of our soul. Disappointments teach us about impermanence, acceptance, and the art of letting go. They pave the way for fresh beginnings.

💚 Just as a tree grows rings over time, our hearts accumulate layers of healing. Each disappointment, heartache, or setback adds depth to our understanding. We become more compassionate, empathetic, and connected to others who share similar journeys. Remember, the journey isn’t about reaching a fixed destination—it’s about experiencing life fully, embracing both the sunlight and the storms.


The Fool – New Beginnings

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The Fool is a powerful symbol of new beginnings!

The tarot card The Fool is a powerful symbol of new beginnings and the courage to step into the unknown. It represents the start of a journey, one that is taken with a leap of faith and an open heart. The Fool stands at the precipice of a new adventure, unburdened by the past and unconcerned with the future, embodying the purest form of bravery — the willingness to embrace the present moment in all its uncertainty.

In the ever-shifting tides of life, change is the only constant. The Fool encourages us to accept this impermanence with grace and optimism. Just as The Fool steps out into the world with trust and innocence, we too can choose to trust in the benevolence of The Universe. This card teaches us that by surrendering to the flow of life and moving forward with an adventurous spirit, we can reduce our suffering. It’s not about being fearless but about moving forward despite our fears.

The Fool’s journey is a reminder that every end is also a beginning, and with each step, we have the opportunity to reinvent ourselves and our lives. It’s an invitation to trust in the unseen forces that guide us and to believe that the path we’re on is leading us to where we need to be. By embodying The Fool’s qualities of curiosity and openness, we can navigate life’s changes with a sense of wonder rather than apprehension, finding joy in the journey rather than just the destination.

In essence, The Fool is a call to adventure, urging us to trust in the magic of new beginnings and to step out in faith, knowing that The Universe has our back. It’s a card of potential, reminding us that we are the architects of our destiny and that each moment is a chance to start anew. So, let us walk with The Fool’s bravery, embracing change as the pathway to growth and transformation. 🌟

-Aimee ❤️

“The great courageous act that we all must do, is to have the courage to step out of our history and past so that we can live our dreams.”

~ Oprah Winfrey



BALANCE – 10.26.22

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It all comes from you.

I woke up just fine, everything was normal and I was looking forward to the day – excited to get my hands on some projects I’m working on. Then my 4-year-old woke up. She was not loud, obnoxious, or annoying, But man – I was annoyed. For absolutely no reason. Until the second I dropped her off at preschool, my mood was ick.

I immediately realized that I needed some time to myself and I had been the sole parent a bit (hubby works out of town occasionally), along with many moving parts on my work/dreams plate . I came home and made a beeline to my office, then the computer, like I promised myself I wouldn’t. Then shortly after, just laughing at myself because I found myself just sitting there watching Taylor Swift videos, drinking my coffee and having the best time.

Comparing it to yesterday, I remembered I was on the computer working constantly (when I wasn’t taking the 4-year-old to preschool & gymnastics). So, I sat there and watched music videos, tarot videos, and nonsense until it was time for preschool to be over.

No, this isn’t my grand self-care stint – but it’s a small gift I can give to myself until I can get away for a longer period. And that in itself is self-care. Balance is what you make it – it all comes from you. The imbalance also comes from you, and not from all of the external factors you willingly piled on your plate. So, you have to be the one to correct it.

Pick your battles, create healthy boundaries, drop what you’re doing, walk away and breathe.

No question, I am deeply in love with every single thing in my life that I’m working on, and every person/furry baby I give my time to. Striving for balance simply means that I love myself the same.


“There is no such thing as work-life balance – it is all life. The balance has to be within you.” -Sadhguru

Night Wind – 9.26.22

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Facing fear, Subconscious release, Healing

UGH. I thought I was done with this for the day, but here we are again! Apparently, a lot of you need to hear this as well. And if you do, so many hugs to you because I feel you!

Soo, what I mean is I woke up in tears this morning. Some old, continuous stuff that had been lingering for quite a while (years!) finally was taking its last circle around the drain. I had been thinking recently about how I was just tired of letting it control my life and behavior, making me feel super inauthentic. Mainly to myself. Out it all came onto my pillow early this morning. Then a few hours later, on the phone with my mom who helped me shift my perspective. I blamed this all on the new moon last night, but a sweet friend of mine informed me it was actually Pluto. So, he’s not my friend this week.

Anyway, there is a lot of gross and ugly stuff coming to the surface. Our local news has been riddled with seemingly “normal” people popping up with some secrets that have gotten them in legal trouble. Relationships are ending rapidly, and changes are happening right now. This is all for the purpose of getting it up and out. We’re all moving ahead faster and as a collective, we’re having to get rid of the junk to make room for what’s coming.

If something has been bugging you, keeping you awake at night – pay attention. It’s calling you to be healed and left behind. Acknowledging and expressing your fear is the first major step toward healing this issue.
Remember GRACE, and let the tears flow! Tears are for cleansing, healing, and releasing – and doesn’t it just feel so damn good afterward? You almost need a cigarette.

“The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer.”
-Steve Martin

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I share my fears and concerns with those I trust and love
There is nothing to fear, there is only love
All will soon be resolved
I am safe – I am loved
I face my fear and feel it dissolve in a pool of love

Deck: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno

3. Harmony – 9.23.22

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Finding Harmony in the Autumn Equinox

Power, Self-Confidence, Productivity

This year feels a little backward to me. I mean, it has been for the past handful of years. But in terms of personal growth and conquering your goals – I know it’s not only me. 

Many huge “Aha” moments and changes occurred during the first quarter of the year, followed by the growing pains of all of those things. The summer months brought me to a place of very dark hibernation – lots of questioning, healing, and discovery. Finally, when the rest of the Northern Hemisphere is getting ready to sleep, I feel my senses wake up. Everything is starting to make sense, the pieces are coming together in harmony, and my self-confidence just got a boost. Productivity is now showing me some favor, and I just want to bottle it all up. I manifested this, but I had to go through the dark first. How original of the Universe. LOL

I know there were many things needing to be shed and faced in order for me to continue on my journey. And this doesn’t stop at just my energy, there are levels and places that the hubby and  I have gotten in our marriage that I never believed would come. 

For those of you still in hibernation, your day in the sun is coming soon. Believe that. And then some other day maybe in the future, we’ll have to go back to the cave. That’s all harmony as well, we can’t have the good without the bad on this Earth. Trust the flow and grow. 



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I am the one with the forces of nature

I am one with the Earth and all creation

I use my power wisely and to great effect

I create harmony in my life through love and acceptance

I achieve my goals with ease