Sacred Pool * Home – 3.11.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.11.22 940x788

“You deserve someone who makes you feel like the otherworldly creatue you are. Yourself.” – Amanda Lovelace

These cards come in today to talk about how we’re viewing and loving ourselves. There’s a call to take a step back for a moment and observe yourself from an outside view. Reflect on what you have accomplished, what you feel really good about deep down in your soul, the people who love you unconditionally as well as those who you cherish and share your love with every single day. Look at all of your scars – physical and emotional; what did it take to get through that? Admire your strength and honor yourself for coming this far.

Your sense of self, your body, your emotions, passions, and even fears are your home. Always and forever. Take this opportunity to look at your conditionings, your habits, your moods, and the way you respond to things. Spend some time with the parts that you don’t really like. Why is it here? Is it safe to finally let it go? Understand the lessons born from pain or fear and release them. Remember you are always Divinely protected and connected – all it takes is a half-second shift in perspective, and you’re there.


Deck Credit: The Enchanted Map Oracle Cards
Colette Baron-Reid

DOING THE WORK – 3.10.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.10.22 940x788

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison

Today’s message talks about doing the necessary inner work emotionally and spiritually, in order to move on in your life. Maybe this is coming up because you’re feeling stuck in one spot, or you’re looking over at others who seem to have found the key to it all and are able to make real progress. You might be looking at a hallway full of closed doors, and it’s sending you into a state of panic or depression. This might not even be that serious, but you get what I’m trying to say.

The two bottom cards show a beautiful combination of abundance, dreams coming to fruition, endless possibilities – and even a spark of something new on the horizon. The top card is where the lesson comes in. In order to receive these gifts from the Universe or move forward in a healthy way for your mind, body, and spirit, you’ve got to dig deep and do the work. Check in with your emotions, how you react to things, see what bubbles up in meditation. If you’re feeling this way, wanting to move forward but you feel stuck in mud – you may have some things hanging on from the past that need to be healed and faced. This card also speaks of wisdom, and without the lessons of your past, you wouldn’t be able to be where you are now – or go where you’re dreaming of.

I was giving a reading to a client a few days ago, and something from his past popped up that he needed to work on before moving on. After going over the pain and hurt and why you need to clear it up, his response was “oh yeah, that’s easy”. It was quite refreshing to hear that! This guy told me he has put in so much effort in his lifetime (spiritually, emotionally, and then actual physical work building his dream world) and has accomplished many things on his own, a little inner work wasn’t going to stop or phase him. Just, wow.

My hope today is that we all find that sweet spot of motivation to clear out the junk in order to receive the gifts and blessings that are waiting for us.

Aimee Pittman Signature Logo Gray 250x250

Deck Credit: Dreams of Gaia Tarot
Ravynne Phelan


Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.8.22 940x788

“The cost of a thing is the amount of life which is required to be exchanged for it.” –Henry David Thoreau

Well, well! This is quite beautiful to see, after all the healing and facing your fears that’s been the topic of conversation lately. Today, let’s talk about getting everything you always wanted. That’s what this card speaks about, and it also reminds me a lot of the 9 of Cups card in the traditional Rider Waite Smith deck. What you’ve been working on, what you’ve been creating and pouring your heart into, has brought you many gifts. Can you see and feel them? If not, maybe a perspective shift is in order.

We, as humans, tend to try and get more and more and more. We almost constantly consume, whether we’re eating, watching TV, reading, or listening to the news or conversations. We’re all taking it in and digesting it through our bodies and lives. Sometimes, we forget to look around and see where we are and asses the situation. Instead, we keep pounding the pavement to get just that little bit more, or to be first in line. For what? We all know these things don’t come with us when we go.

The oil, food, and supplies prices are sky high right now. People are very upset, and I do understand why. But I had this thought early this morning – why are we complaining about something that is out of our control (on a surface level guys, not debating how to lower gas prices here), when we should be turning inward to see how we can consume less. By cutting out all the unnecessary “stuff”, you clear away the human clutter and may be able to see things simpler, and clearer. Clearing away those things can also break down the barriers and guards you’ve hoarded up around yourself.

These fortune cards speak of beautiful things coming up. The key here is the same as above – keep your heart open and clear of the distractions in your mind and society standards that never stop demanding things of you. Choose to see the true gifts in your life.


A HIDDEN GIFT – 3.7.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.7.22 940x788

This message is meant to remind you about the hidden gifts in sorrow, sadness, and disappointment. Everything in our physical, Earthly world is meant to change. Sometimes change comes in the form of an answered prayer but answered in a nonconventional way. Or, in simpler terms, not in the way you meant! Change can be a great, welcomed event – or it can be the loss of a loved one. One thing is assured; if we’re alive and breathing, and as long as we’re moving forward, change is inevitable. No matter how hard we work to keep things the same, to stay frozen in time. It’s sad and scary to think about a future with something or someone you love missing from it. Letting go of a job you respect and that has shaped you over the years is hard, but sometimes necessary. Growing pains. I’ve been uttering these words here and there, usually silently to myself, over the past month or so. It’s been rough, letting go of patterns and habits that used to help me survive.

So, it’s funny to me that I pulled this oracle card, and then out pops the very same hidden gifts it’s speaking of. The Sun is reminding you that this change is Divinely guided. The goal is your happiness, joy, and love for life – this is a step to that goal. He maybe even shouting down at you a little, “Look up! And don’t look back. You’re not going that way”.

The Heart card can show romantic love between two people, and that may be true for some. But, in this message, I feel like this card is reminding you to move forward with your heart (chakra) open. So often we close and guard our hearts from fear. We’re sad, so we want to protect ourselves. But what if I told you that keeping your heart open to others can actually help heal it? And in turn, you may be helping somebody else.

You’d think we could just surrender and trust like we’re told to, right? Nope. Because we get to be humans right now, so it’s also part of our duty to wrestle with ideas and morals. Figuring out the “whys” of things is coded in our DNA, which is where some say free will comes in to play. No, you don’t have to do any of this – you can continue with the way things are. I highly don’t suggest that, though. Evolve!

Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno

Tea Leaf Fortune Cards
Rae Hepburn
Art by Shawna Alexander

FAITH (can sometimes) = REST – 3.4.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.4.22 940x788

“…rest, in the language of faith, is therefore at once a human and Divine dimension.” – Pope Francis

Good morning and happy Friday to you lovely humans. Today we are going to talk about faith and what it means for you.

For me, when I first hear it, my head immediately goes to Christianity. I was raised Southern Baptist with a mix in of Pentecostal. I actually got married in a Pentecostal church for my first marriage. WOW. What a different life. But what I’m learning and have learned over time, is that faith can mean so many different things. We can have faith that our feet will be pulled to the ground each morning by gravity. Or that the sun will come up to start our days. On a deeper scale, we can have faith in ourselves, (10 out of 10 stars, would highly recommend). What I have heard over the past few years and now realizing for myself personally, is that having faith in yourself is also having faith in the Universe/God. It’s the very same thing. The message here is saying – stop looking, stop fretting, stop prepping to death. The book for this deck describes this as “you may have done all you can, you’ve dug your holes, and buried your bones”. You’ve got this – have faith in yourself that this will turn out wonderful, it’s ok to stop and take a rest right now. You’ll need your strength! Listen to your body – it will do great things for you, if you nourish it and give it the rest it needs.

Stay faithful to your hopes, dreams, and the life you want. Pair that with release and trust that the greater powers, your guides, and ancestors are working on your behalf.


Deck Credit: Divine Dog Wisdom Cards
Barb Horn
Randy Crutcher
Art by Teresa Shishim

THE DREAM – 3.3.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.3.22 940x788

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it” – Tori Amos

Ugh – dreams irk me! They’re a challenge for me – it hasn’t always been this way, but I have a sleep thing that prevents me from remembering my dreams, and I haven’t been able to have any lucid dreams for so long – years and years. I have sleep apnea; I’ve always had sleeping problems since I was young. It got a whole lot worse after I had my first child in 2001, so bottom line is that I have an apparatus on my face every night with air being forced in my nose. You’d think this would be a nightmare, but nope! It puts me in a damn coma, I swear. I will still wake up at the drop of a pin, I have mom ears for my little one. But other than that? Nada.

SO, last night was the New Moon. And I have been needing to figure out what has been hanging around lately that I need to heal and release. I set my intentions last night, wrote them out, and went to bed soon after that. I was up all night, the little woke up twice needing something and the cat was being a cat and doing cat nocturnal things. Anyway, I finally got some good snoozes in super early this morning, and BAM. A freaking dream, clear as day with some serious emotions. I got some clarity, more came later, but I definitely had a breakthrough.

Are your dreams trying to tell you something? This card is pretty timely with the New Moon, though technically it’s not shining any light! LOL But still – don’t miss what the Universe is trying to show you. Even if it’s painful, don’t turn your head. This is they key you’ve been asking for. I certainly asked for it, several times! Sometimes it’s not what we imagined, or it shocks us by the pain we thought we had released long ago. Find your courage to face it this time!


Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno


Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.2.22 940x788

“It’s already yours.” ~Universe

New Moons are always perfect for manifesting your dreams and goals for the next month and making moves to set things in motion. It can also be a time of great release and in return, renewal. This month, the New Moon sits in Pisces with the Sun (and Jupiter and Neptune), so some emotions or urges to take action in changes within yourself and your environment. Pisces is all about going deep and opening yourself up to your intuition and listening/knowing skills. Some people argue that Pisces are the most sensitive, psychic sign of the bunch. They have great arguments for it, but really, we are all psychic in our own ways. We just have to peel back the human blinders on a regular basis.

The cards for today show release in letting go of pain, standing up and brushing your hands off to let the healing begin. There may be a few threads you’re holding on to, but you now have a very clear picture of what is going on. A reality check of sorts, I see this as a realization for the need for growth and movement forward. Finally, we have the Sun shedding light on your path forward and all of the weights that need to be dropped. Right now, you have the clarity to set your intentions for this New Moon. Write them down, talk to the Moon – whatever feels right. With everything going on the world right now, all I can hear in my head is – “if not now, then when?”.


Deck Credit: The Illuminated Tarot
Caitlin Keegan


Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 3.1.22 940x788

“There is force in the Universe, which, if we permit, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

I feel a lot of frustrated energy with these three cards. There’s a new opportunity or new journey/path you’ve decided to take. You have a picture in your head of what that will look like and what your result will be at the end of it. It’s wonderful to have dreams and wants/needs for the final product, but it can also limit yourself. You become dependent on that vision, and it ends up binding and blinding you.

Release your need for control or your need to know the outcome. This is where trust comes in, and you begin to flow with the Divine currents. Your outcome can be something you never ever thought up, and now it feels just perfect. Release your shoulders, unclench your jaw, take a deep breath or two – and free yourself. Keep doing the work and do your part. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what the World has offered you.


Deck Credit: The Light Seers Tarot
Chris Anne

RELEASE – 2.28.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.28.22 940x788

“I took it off. I did not want to carry it with me anymore.” ~AVA

What is it that you’re needing to let go of?

Sometimes we’re blinded to whatever is holding us captive – make no mistake, those are self-activating blinders. There are so many reasons for putting them on, but for whatever reason, we’re “comfortable” and “happy” where we are. We shield ourselves from the light and the truth – that’s our human brain taking over and running the show. Sometimes we don’t know why, but we’re aware of the fact that we’re miserable, and not thriving. That’s a start! Self-awareness unlocks all kinds of answers.

You may be holding on to something because of fear – being afraid of what will happen if you do let go. Shift your perspective for just a moment and ask yourself instead, “what will happen if I don’t release this thing? What happens if I stay in this spot?”. Well, I can tell you that you’ll eventually grow mushrooms, and I don’t know about you, but I only like the fun kind. And those don’t grow on humans!

I’m being challenged to release a belief and way of thinking that I’ve carried for 20+ years. It’s also taking my path and journey into a 90-degree turn. In my heart and spirit, I know this is right and what I’m supposed to be doing, but I need to let go of a lot of beliefs that I created for myself. In retrospect, I see it was a guard around my heart in certain areas. Now, it’s only making me try to doubt and question myself. It no longer serves me, but I appreciate the protection it gave me.
Now, I ask again – what is it that you’re holding on to? Once identified, honor it, grieve it, and say your goodbyes. Focus your energy on what does serve your growth and is here to water your heart.


Deck Credit: Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck
Tracee Dunblazier & Justine Serebrin

LISTENING – 2.25.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 2.25.22 940x788

To listen is to love.

This statement is so true on many different levels. To listen to a loved one or a friend (or a complete stranger, for that matter), without judgement and with an open heart – that is love, and that is listening with your heart.

The same way you would connect and listen to another, do that for yourself. Have you been feeling the call to pay closer attention, and listen to your heart? What is your Divine Self trying to show you? Connecting with love is the surest way to all of those answers. Sit in silence and take some deep breaths. Connect to your heart chakra and see what bubbles up.

The message today is very powerful, yet simple – just like the Elephant. They also represent honor, empathy, responsibility, and justice. Exactly what we’re all needing down here on Earth today.


“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.” – Rumi

Deck Credit – The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid