5 *The Beloved – 4.14.22

Aimee Pittman Reflections Blog Post 4.14.22 1080x1080

β€œWhat we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brault

The message today is about love on a spirit and soul level. This is the kind of love where you truly see the spirit of the one you’re loving. It’s about setting aside judgements or speculations of one’s human personality or flaws. What they’re doing right, or not right, what you think you need from them. Human relationships are so complicated because we touch and spend time together in our bodies – amongst other things. It’s so easy to get caught up in the earthly aspects of the relationship and forget your spiritual connection. This doesn’t have to be a lover, or romantic love – this can be a friend, or a family member, your child, or furry baby even. Striving and working towards keeping your heart (chakra) open and ready to accept and receive love. In turn, you’re much more capable of giving out that eternal love more easily.

After all – we are all One. We are all the Universe playing a part for a little while, and maybe do it again after that. Look at your person, remember that you both came from the purest love. Their humanness gets in the way just as much as yours does. And honestly, often criticisms and judgements stem from insecurities. From my eyes (including that third one), I see a love relationship with another human the perfect example of marrying the realms. Keeping one foot on Earth, on foot up in the stars (what an image! LOL). It’s alchemy, really. As above, so below.

The cards clearly show a lot of love and true connection with another. I see the Wheel showing up as fear, honestly. That’s the word that popped in my head when I read the card. If you’re apprehensive about opening up or becoming close with someone, be brave. Remind yourself that this life is about connecting with others – we really do need human contact and closeness in our lives. There’s been recent studies on it, for real. What do you have to lose? Seriously ask yourself that, and you might find that your answers suddenly feel very small. Stop the spinning, judging, and impossible expectations. Open your heart!


2 *Pachamama – 4.13.22

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One of my most favorite subjects; Pachamama, Mother Earth, Gaia. I wasn’t always a nature lover. My brother and I were what people might call β€œindoor kids”. Except at the beach house with Grandma and Papa – then we were nature warriors. Though not the best quality water and sand, that is where I developed my love and high respect for the ocean – any large body of water, really. I was almost taken out one time in an under-toe current in the Suwannee River when I was a pre-teen. I know my fellow North Floridians probably have similar stories.

It wasn’t until I started waking up a handful of years ago that I felt that very familiar, but somehow new, pull and bond right in the middle of my chest for my Earth Mother. I still don’t spend enough time outdoors and I haven’t discovered the coveted answer to saving and nurturing her (and getting everyone on board!). But I know where I come from. I can feel where we come from. And in that awareness, my bond with her lives and breathes.

Today, she comes to us today to encourage gratitude, love, and joy for your body and the world you live in. A message I got before I pulled the two tarot cards was – Think about a tree. It doesn’t have the opportunity to move around the Earth like we do, or any animals for that matter. All it can do is stand in the same place, but grow up and out, always expanding and reaching new heights. Tying into the message from yesterday; if you’re feeling stuck in work, creativity, relationships, or you physically cannot move, focus on the light inside of you. Nurture, expand, and share it – up and out, always expanding just like the trees.

Pulling The Hanged Man, I noticed he was on a tree with his light radiating from his head like a crown. The Queen of Wands shows up standing on her head, with the energy of needing to let go of control and step back for a bit. Also, not surprisingly, this message synchronizes with a voicemail I received from a sweet friend yesterday, telling me to go outside and get my feet in the Earth to ground and settle. Message received, Mother Earth! The synchronicities never get old, and it reminds me that we are always safe and never alone.

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2 *The Andean Cross – 4.12.22

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β€œThe quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass

Sometimes it’s best to do nothing. But, way too often, we notice the space or gap in our daily lives and freak the eff out, trying to figure out what’s next. You’re feeling a big shift in energy and way of perceiving things. You’re feeling stuck and the constant worry over what to do the next minute is exhausting. I’m not surprised this came out, I’ve been feeling this way and a number of people close to me have had similar experiences. After a whole morning of fretting and trying to make good sense of what’s in front of me, I finally resigned and said out loud, but very quietly, to my husband with my head hanging down, (this is very hard for me, so I have to share the details) β€œI’m having a hard time.” All he did was hug me with his arm that was closest to me, kiss me on the top of my head and replied, β€œI know”. He then suggested to me that I do nothing to combat my weariness. I was shocked at first, but he was right. I will get nowhere sitting here spinning my wheels. Instead, I turned on something fun to listen to in the background, grabbed my guided journals and got comfy on the futon in my office. I even fell asleep and snoozed for a little while. I didn’t get much done in the perspective of the outside observer, but I did give my soul and mind the rest it needed. Today’s message is another soft nudge and reminder.

The Knight of Swords reversed calls for slower movement and careful planning. Slow down your mind. The 5 of Cups reminds you to stop focusing on what is spilling out in front of you (probably your emotions and thoughts) and just lift your head a little to see the full cups behind you and that cute little bridge taking you over to the pretty castle. Finally, the 5 of Wands shows a little healthy competition or bickering. This card can also be seen as training for something new. Your natural instincts and drive to achieve are still there. Take this time to groom your processes, routines, and habits. You’ll be ready!


36 * Commitment – 3.30.22

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“Keep going, because you didn’t come this far just to only come this far.” ~Unknown

That’s a heavy word. There are those who run at the sound of it, or any indication of committing. I won’t touch that one today, there’s way more to those stories.

For now, we’re talking about your current ties to someone or something. There’s lots of love here, good and warm energy. The 8 of Pentacles is showing me that you’ve really wanted this, and you’ve been putting in the work and making the necessary steps to solidify this union. It could be starting off as something small right now, but you see the potential in it, and you want it. Bad. The Page of Swords inverted is signaling that there may be some worry and doubts lingering that you’re giving too much attention to. I keep hearing β€œself-sabotage”. That’s where this will lead if you’re not controlling the low-vibrational worries and fears.

It’s hard, yes, I know. I struggle with it myself, almost daily! I’ve gotten to a point where I literally talk out loud to myself and say, β€œSTOP IT AIMEE”. We are human, after all. These thoughts come natural to our human bodies and brains, it’s in our DNA. But as spiritual beings, we know better. The first step to silencing the voice is awareness. Teach yourself how to catch it before it goes too far. The Universe is on your side, and I’m always here cheering for you!

No matter what I choose to believe or say,
the Universe always says yes to me.
Therefore, I choose only positive thoughts and words.
With affirmations, I claim my inner power.

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34 * Hidden Path – 3.29.22

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“None of us knows what might happen even in the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have faith.”
~ Paulo Coelho

This card reminds me a lot of the Magician card in the traditional Rider-Waite Smith tarot deck. And I’ll tell you why. First of all, for me, the big message behind the Magician is that you already have all of the tools and magic you need inside of you in order to move forward, create your dreams, etc.

Here, for the message today, it’s showing an unclear path forward. Alongside is the 10 of Swords, inverted. You’ve just regained your strength and drive. You’re shaking those swords off of your back and rising to meet the sun over the purple mountains in the background (so much symbolism here). You know it’s time to move, but you’re unsure how or where or what. Looking ahead on this card, we see the ankh symbol for eternal life. This reminds you that there is no true end to your life, just a series of rebirths and reincarnations (spiritually and physically). To the right, we see the Eye of Horus, promising healing and protection on your journey. And to the left, there’s the Sun, waiting for you to get yourself up and brush your hands off.

The Temperance card calls for patience and calmness through this transition. One step at a time, just as long as you’re stepping. The details might be blurry right now, but the Universe is asking you to just trust. Using everything you have within; you have the power to create what you’re dreaming of. You are the Universe here on Earth. As above, so below.

My heart and mind are in perfect alignment
My heart’s desire and my thoughts are one
I am a spiritual being in a physical body
The journey ahead is filled with light
The light of my soul illuminates my path


Watch Out! Disney Villain Deck – 3.23.22

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Well, hello hello beautiful people!

First of all, this little family has been sick with allergies/sinus issues BAD (Florida life!) – so this is the first time I’ve been able to sit and create. I’m not 100%, but it always feels good to get back into routines and making moves after being sick and out for a bit.

Second of all, upon my return – you all get the Disney Villains! Super cute deck, but I felt compelled to use it this morning, and the message that came out is crystal clear as to why…

Bottom line, there’s some toxic energy swirling. This is somebody who is trying to really pull one over on you – deceit, manipulation, jealousy – you name it. This energy is present, and you know it, whether on a mental level or subconsciously. Walking away is a tough decision for you, for whatever reason. Take the blindfolds off and see this energy (could be a person, place or thing) for what it truly is.

How do you feel when interacting with it? Pay attention to your gut posting up red flags and take action. You’re on this journey for a very specific, and special reason. Do not let those people and situations on the wayside distract you. Turn the Queen of Pentacles right side up and take a clue from her. She’s only laser focused on her path, and no person or energy is going to lead her way from that.

p.s. Lucifer is literally in this spread! Choose your people wisely.

“People inspire you, or they drain you – pick them wisely.” ~Hans F. Hansen


Into the Unknown & Movement – 3.18.22

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Not much explanation is needed for these cards that showed up this morning. Piggybacking onto yesterday’s message, you’re entering a new phase in life, or a completely brand new and unfamiliar path. You may not know exactly where you’re going but trusting the process and knowing there is a bigger picture for you out there is key. Release control of what you think the future should look like. Of course, have your dreams, but release the need to control it. Worrying and stressing over it falls into the same category. Either way, it’s negative energy going out to the Universe regarding it, and you don’t want that. TRUST ME.

The not knowing all the details can make it hard to take the necessary steps. I’m in that area right now, but if you get up every day and make small steps towards your dream and what you love, you’re already on the right path. Make sure to clear out any stuck energy (meditation, sage smoke) and really take it one morning, one afternoon, one day at a time. Any forward movement feeds into the positive energy, and that is something you do definitely want.

One of the things this Virgo Full Moon brings in is great clarity needed for moving forward. It also calls for you to pay attention to your daily routines and balance in your current life. Spending time in these areas over the next few days will benefit you greatly for this new journey.

Trust and make some moves, my friends.

“Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” ~Rumi


Deck Credit: The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid

WINTER’S END – 3.17.22

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β€œWhat we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” ― Mandy Hale

Y’all – I swear I was really going to try and keep today’s message a little more lighthearted. Not so heavy and deep like they have been lately. BUT. We all know the Universe has its own plan! The card that came out and the energy this morning did not fit the narrative that I had in my human brain. Duh, Aimee – what did you expect? It’s a freaking full moon, all the things come out and up to the surface. I know I wrote about this last month; full moons sneak up on me with tornadoes of emotions that seem to touch down on the top of my head. For the longest time I wasn’t aware, but I am now. That doesn’t mean the full moon doesn’t rain down truths and old wounds on me, but I’m more prepared now and have more knowledge on how to navigate and come out of the other side feeling refreshed and healed a little.

I will say that 99.9% of it had to do with the horrific tragedy happening in Ukraine right now. I can’t get through a sentence in conversation without choking up. I had been trying to avoid reading or seeing anything, sometimes that really is the best way to go. But sometimes – like during a full moon – it’s good to face it and let your emotions do their damn thing.

If there has been a heaviness or darkness around you recently or even for a long spell, know that there is light coming. You may not see it in physical form around you, but the motions have started, and things are changing. The numerology for this card is 7, which represents completion and perfection.

This card also comes in just days before the Spring Equinox, which is all about rebirth and moving the Wheel of Life into a phase of abundance and fresh passions. With Easter right behind this seasonal marker, focus on the egg. Right now, you’re inside and waiting very patiently to be hatched (right?) πŸ˜‰ Envision what you hope the outside to look like. What would be your best scenario for this next stage in your life? Write it down, make a vision board, or simply talk to the moon. It’s all the same when you have the truest of intentions.

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Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno

Blue Whale & Python – 3.16.22

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“Peace is not the absence of power. Peace is the presence of love.” ~ Sri Chinmoy

Blue Whale comes in today, reminding us of who we really are on a deep, spiritual level. Whales often show us a deep intuition and trust, one that we carry and share with our communities and fellow humans. Communication is always at the top of the list for Whale – we have much to learn from them about truly hearing each other and responding out of love instead of fear or judgement. They remind us of our own soul song, how sacred it is, and invite you to feel the peace and freedom that spiritual consciousness brings.

To reach this state of β€œWhale-ness”, one must shed lots of old stuff, let go of pains from the past, and release your control (you think you have) over the future. Python’s message here is to be present in your current environment. Be still and observe, β€œcamouflage” yourself if you have to. But take the time to discern what is what, what is toxic and heavy can be released. Pythons and snakes also teach us a great deal about transformations and rebirths.

I thought it was interesting, the order that I drew these cards. I drew the Blue Whale first, but in the message, you must shed your skin first to reach that internal peace the Whale promises. I think the Universe is telling us here that it’s a constant cycle, for infinity (and beyond!). This isn’t a one-and-done deal, like the Wheel of Fortune (Life) in the Tarot, the cycles of death and rebirth are constant. Release the control to ease your suffering, pain, fear, all of the above. Trusting in the process and the Universe (Yourself, ultimately), brings a new level of freedom, peace, and infinite love.


Deck Credit: The Secret Language of Animals
Chip Richards

38 – Nurture Love and Expand – 3.15.22

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“The very nature of love is one of expansion” ~ Ellie Shoja (Your Heart Knows the Way)

It’s crazy exciting when you have a dream or specific goal, and you can feel it within reach. You could have that vision in your head, and ready to jet out of the gate as soon as you hear that gun shot. Or you may already be in the race – physically pushing and working to achieve your heart’s desire. You’ve got the work ethic down to a science, you know you MUST put in the work to get there, very few people have those things handed to them. And when they do – are they going to be as proud as you? Probably not. But you seem to have overlooked just one thing.

Somebody told me recently, something that made so much crazy sense! You know how you’ve been told your whole life to β€œget out of your comfort zone”, and all the discussions around your comfort zone have been in a negative light? Well, it’s bullshit. Complete hogwash. YES – step out of your comfort zone in those times needed for growth and awakening. But what about creating? That comes directly from your heart. Nurturing the Universal Love and gratitude inside of yourself can create and move you ahead faster than anything else.

Being in a constant state of competition or anxiety might eventually get you there, but at what cost? What did you give up of yourself, and what did you sacrifice in your relationships? Did it bring out some features of your human self that you don’t love to see pop out? Jump off of your self-created hamster wheel. An easy way to get started on this path is to sit, even for 30-seconds, before you start your work/creative day. Getting in alignment, opening your heart, and staying aware sets yourself up for true expansion.


Deck Credit: Your Heart Knows the Way
Ellie Shoja