2 *Pachamama – 4.13.22

One of my most favorite subjects; Pachamama, Mother Earth, Gaia. I wasn’t always a nature lover. My brother and I were what people might call “indoor kids”. Except at the beach house with Grandma and Papa – then we were nature warriors. Though not the best quality water and sand, that is where I developed my love and high respect for the ocean – any large body of water, really. I was almost taken out one time in an under-toe current in the Suwannee River when I was a pre-teen. I know my fellow North Floridians probably have similar stories.

It wasn’t until I started waking up a handful of years ago that I felt that very familiar, but somehow new, pull and bond right in the middle of my chest for my Earth Mother. I still don’t spend enough time outdoors and I haven’t discovered the coveted answer to saving and nurturing her (and getting everyone on board!). But I know where I come from. I can feel where we come from. And in that awareness, my bond with her lives and breathes.

Today, she comes to us today to encourage gratitude, love, and joy for your body and the world you live in. A message I got before I pulled the two tarot cards was – Think about a tree. It doesn’t have the opportunity to move around the Earth like we do, or any animals for that matter. All it can do is stand in the same place, but grow up and out, always expanding and reaching new heights. Tying into the message from yesterday; if you’re feeling stuck in work, creativity, relationships, or you physically cannot move, focus on the light inside of you. Nurture, expand, and share it – up and out, always expanding just like the trees.

Pulling The Hanged Man, I noticed he was on a tree with his light radiating from his head like a crown. The Queen of Wands shows up standing on her head, with the energy of needing to let go of control and step back for a bit. Also, not surprisingly, this message synchronizes with a voicemail I received from a sweet friend yesterday, telling me to go outside and get my feet in the Earth to ground and settle. Message received, Mother Earth! The synchronicities never get old, and it reminds me that we are always safe and never alone.

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