WINTER’S END – 3.17.22

“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” ― Mandy Hale

Y’all – I swear I was really going to try and keep today’s message a little more lighthearted. Not so heavy and deep like they have been lately. BUT. We all know the Universe has its own plan! The card that came out and the energy this morning did not fit the narrative that I had in my human brain. Duh, Aimee – what did you expect? It’s a freaking full moon, all the things come out and up to the surface. I know I wrote about this last month; full moons sneak up on me with tornadoes of emotions that seem to touch down on the top of my head. For the longest time I wasn’t aware, but I am now. That doesn’t mean the full moon doesn’t rain down truths and old wounds on me, but I’m more prepared now and have more knowledge on how to navigate and come out of the other side feeling refreshed and healed a little.

I will say that 99.9% of it had to do with the horrific tragedy happening in Ukraine right now. I can’t get through a sentence in conversation without choking up. I had been trying to avoid reading or seeing anything, sometimes that really is the best way to go. But sometimes – like during a full moon – it’s good to face it and let your emotions do their damn thing.

If there has been a heaviness or darkness around you recently or even for a long spell, know that there is light coming. You may not see it in physical form around you, but the motions have started, and things are changing. The numerology for this card is 7, which represents completion and perfection.

This card also comes in just days before the Spring Equinox, which is all about rebirth and moving the Wheel of Life into a phase of abundance and fresh passions. With Easter right behind this seasonal marker, focus on the egg. Right now, you’re inside and waiting very patiently to be hatched (right?) 😉 Envision what you hope the outside to look like. What would be your best scenario for this next stage in your life? Write it down, make a vision board, or simply talk to the moon. It’s all the same when you have the truest of intentions.

Aimee Pittman Signature Logo Gray 250x250

Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno