“There is force in the Universe, which, if we permit, will flow through us and produce miraculous results.” ~Mahatma Gandhi

I feel a lot of frustrated energy with these three cards. There’s a new opportunity or new journey/path you’ve decided to take. You have a picture in your head of what that will look like and what your result will be at the end of it. It’s wonderful to have dreams and wants/needs for the final product, but it can also limit yourself. You become dependent on that vision, and it ends up binding and blinding you.

Release your need for control or your need to know the outcome. This is where trust comes in, and you begin to flow with the Divine currents. Your outcome can be something you never ever thought up, and now it feels just perfect. Release your shoulders, unclench your jaw, take a deep breath or two – and free yourself. Keep doing the work and do your part. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at what the World has offered you.


Deck Credit: The Light Seers Tarot
Chris Anne