RELEASE – 2.28.22

“I took it off. I did not want to carry it with me anymore.” ~AVA

What is it that you’re needing to let go of?

Sometimes we’re blinded to whatever is holding us captive – make no mistake, those are self-activating blinders. There are so many reasons for putting them on, but for whatever reason, we’re “comfortable” and “happy” where we are. We shield ourselves from the light and the truth – that’s our human brain taking over and running the show. Sometimes we don’t know why, but we’re aware of the fact that we’re miserable, and not thriving. That’s a start! Self-awareness unlocks all kinds of answers.

You may be holding on to something because of fear – being afraid of what will happen if you do let go. Shift your perspective for just a moment and ask yourself instead, “what will happen if I don’t release this thing? What happens if I stay in this spot?”. Well, I can tell you that you’ll eventually grow mushrooms, and I don’t know about you, but I only like the fun kind. And those don’t grow on humans!

I’m being challenged to release a belief and way of thinking that I’ve carried for 20+ years. It’s also taking my path and journey into a 90-degree turn. In my heart and spirit, I know this is right and what I’m supposed to be doing, but I need to let go of a lot of beliefs that I created for myself. In retrospect, I see it was a guard around my heart in certain areas. Now, it’s only making me try to doubt and question myself. It no longer serves me, but I appreciate the protection it gave me.
Now, I ask again – what is it that you’re holding on to? Once identified, honor it, grieve it, and say your goodbyes. Focus your energy on what does serve your growth and is here to water your heart.


Deck Credit: Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck
Tracee Dunblazier & Justine Serebrin