Field of Dreams – Wide Open – 2.19.22

Ideally, we all have our own dream garden, lush and green and dancing with energy. Ideally. This card combo made me stop and think about mine and all the aspects of it. How big is it? Are there borders or a fence? Is it boundless and limitless, with room to grow? I don’t really like the answers I found. It’s small (but bigger than it was!), there is a border (a wooden fence now, when I think there were high concrete walls before), and no. It’s not open to infinite growth. So, I’ve got some (more) work to do! Recently, my dreams have gotten a brand-new life and ideas have inspired me in ways I never dreamed they would. What’s the difference? I completely opened my heart to the possibilities. My dreams of what I want to create and become have never been clearer and more attainable to me than they are right now. And that is pretty damn exciting, I’m not gonna lie. It’s really like my brain got swapped out with another. I thought I was being a good little gardener (LOL – some people will get a good laugh at this) and honoring my dreams, giving them space to grow. What I missed was that I had them closed off so much trying to hide them (out of shame and fear), they didn’t get enough sunlight, water, and most importantly LOVE.

Break down those fences, one board at a time if you must. Check in with your dreams and wishes regularly, love and nurture them. You might be surprised at how they grow and change organically, just as you do. I can’t help but state the obvious of the green in the cards – the lush meadow and then the lady in the green dress, opening her Heart Chakra to the world and saying – I will not make myself small anymore. Say it with me – I WILL NOT MAKE MYSELF SMALL ANYMORE. The Universe is ready, just waiting for you to realize your greatness.


*For numerology purposes – notice how the card number 21 doubled is 42 (the second card number).
2+1=3 & 4+2=6, so 6+3=9
3, 6, 9 = Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. The Universe revolves around Energy, Frequency, and Vibration.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~Nikola Tesla

Deck Credit – The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid