Night Wind – 9.26.22

Facing fear, Subconscious release, Healing

UGH. I thought I was done with this for the day, but here we are again! Apparently, a lot of you need to hear this as well. And if you do, so many hugs to you because I feel you!

Soo, what I mean is I woke up in tears this morning. Some old, continuous stuff that had been lingering for quite a while (years!) finally was taking its last circle around the drain. I had been thinking recently about how I was just tired of letting it control my life and behavior, making me feel super inauthentic. Mainly to myself. Out it all came onto my pillow early this morning. Then a few hours later, on the phone with my mom who helped me shift my perspective. I blamed this all on the new moon last night, but a sweet friend of mine informed me it was actually Pluto. So, he’s not my friend this week.

Anyway, there is a lot of gross and ugly stuff coming to the surface. Our local news has been riddled with seemingly “normal” people popping up with some secrets that have gotten them in legal trouble. Relationships are ending rapidly, and changes are happening right now. This is all for the purpose of getting it up and out. We’re all moving ahead faster and as a collective, we’re having to get rid of the junk to make room for what’s coming.

If something has been bugging you, keeping you awake at night – pay attention. It’s calling you to be healed and left behind. Acknowledging and expressing your fear is the first major step toward healing this issue.
Remember GRACE, and let the tears flow! Tears are for cleansing, healing, and releasing – and doesn’t it just feel so damn good afterward? You almost need a cigarette.

“The conscious mind is the editor, and the subconscious mind is the writer.”
-Steve Martin

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I share my fears and concerns with those I trust and love
There is nothing to fear, there is only love
All will soon be resolved
I am safe – I am loved
I face my fear and feel it dissolve in a pool of love

Deck: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno