5 *The Beloved – 4.14.22

“What we find in a soulmate is not something wild to tame but something wild to run with.” – Robert Brault

The message today is about love on a spirit and soul level. This is the kind of love where you truly see the spirit of the one you’re loving. It’s about setting aside judgements or speculations of one’s human personality or flaws. What they’re doing right, or not right, what you think you need from them. Human relationships are so complicated because we touch and spend time together in our bodies – amongst other things. It’s so easy to get caught up in the earthly aspects of the relationship and forget your spiritual connection. This doesn’t have to be a lover, or romantic love – this can be a friend, or a family member, your child, or furry baby even. Striving and working towards keeping your heart (chakra) open and ready to accept and receive love. In turn, you’re much more capable of giving out that eternal love more easily.

After all – we are all One. We are all the Universe playing a part for a little while, and maybe do it again after that. Look at your person, remember that you both came from the purest love. Their humanness gets in the way just as much as yours does. And honestly, often criticisms and judgements stem from insecurities. From my eyes (including that third one), I see a love relationship with another human the perfect example of marrying the realms. Keeping one foot on Earth, on foot up in the stars (what an image! LOL). It’s alchemy, really. As above, so below.

The cards clearly show a lot of love and true connection with another. I see the Wheel showing up as fear, honestly. That’s the word that popped in my head when I read the card. If you’re apprehensive about opening up or becoming close with someone, be brave. Remind yourself that this life is about connecting with others – we really do need human contact and closeness in our lives. There’s been recent studies on it, for real. What do you have to lose? Seriously ask yourself that, and you might find that your answers suddenly feel very small. Stop the spinning, judging, and impossible expectations. Open your heart!
