2 *The Andean Cross – 4.12.22

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” – Ram Dass

Sometimes it’s best to do nothing. But, way too often, we notice the space or gap in our daily lives and freak the eff out, trying to figure out what’s next. You’re feeling a big shift in energy and way of perceiving things. You’re feeling stuck and the constant worry over what to do the next minute is exhausting. I’m not surprised this came out, I’ve been feeling this way and a number of people close to me have had similar experiences. After a whole morning of fretting and trying to make good sense of what’s in front of me, I finally resigned and said out loud, but very quietly, to my husband with my head hanging down, (this is very hard for me, so I have to share the details) “I’m having a hard time.” All he did was hug me with his arm that was closest to me, kiss me on the top of my head and replied, “I know”. He then suggested to me that I do nothing to combat my weariness. I was shocked at first, but he was right. I will get nowhere sitting here spinning my wheels. Instead, I turned on something fun to listen to in the background, grabbed my guided journals and got comfy on the futon in my office. I even fell asleep and snoozed for a little while. I didn’t get much done in the perspective of the outside observer, but I did give my soul and mind the rest it needed. Today’s message is another soft nudge and reminder.

The Knight of Swords reversed calls for slower movement and careful planning. Slow down your mind. The 5 of Cups reminds you to stop focusing on what is spilling out in front of you (probably your emotions and thoughts) and just lift your head a little to see the full cups behind you and that cute little bridge taking you over to the pretty castle. Finally, the 5 of Wands shows a little healthy competition or bickering. This card can also be seen as training for something new. Your natural instincts and drive to achieve are still there. Take this time to groom your processes, routines, and habits. You’ll be ready!
