THE DREAM – 3.3.22

“Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it” – Tori Amos

Ugh – dreams irk me! They’re a challenge for me – it hasn’t always been this way, but I have a sleep thing that prevents me from remembering my dreams, and I haven’t been able to have any lucid dreams for so long – years and years. I have sleep apnea; I’ve always had sleeping problems since I was young. It got a whole lot worse after I had my first child in 2001, so bottom line is that I have an apparatus on my face every night with air being forced in my nose. You’d think this would be a nightmare, but nope! It puts me in a damn coma, I swear. I will still wake up at the drop of a pin, I have mom ears for my little one. But other than that? Nada.

SO, last night was the New Moon. And I have been needing to figure out what has been hanging around lately that I need to heal and release. I set my intentions last night, wrote them out, and went to bed soon after that. I was up all night, the little woke up twice needing something and the cat was being a cat and doing cat nocturnal things. Anyway, I finally got some good snoozes in super early this morning, and BAM. A freaking dream, clear as day with some serious emotions. I got some clarity, more came later, but I definitely had a breakthrough.

Are your dreams trying to tell you something? This card is pretty timely with the New Moon, though technically it’s not shining any light! LOL But still – don’t miss what the Universe is trying to show you. Even if it’s painful, don’t turn your head. This is they key you’ve been asking for. I certainly asked for it, several times! Sometimes it’s not what we imagined, or it shocks us by the pain we thought we had released long ago. Find your courage to face it this time!


Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno