Into the Unknown & Movement – 3.18.22

Not much explanation is needed for these cards that showed up this morning. Piggybacking onto yesterday’s message, you’re entering a new phase in life, or a completely brand new and unfamiliar path. You may not know exactly where you’re going but trusting the process and knowing there is a bigger picture for you out there is key. Release control of what you think the future should look like. Of course, have your dreams, but release the need to control it. Worrying and stressing over it falls into the same category. Either way, it’s negative energy going out to the Universe regarding it, and you don’t want that. TRUST ME.

The not knowing all the details can make it hard to take the necessary steps. I’m in that area right now, but if you get up every day and make small steps towards your dream and what you love, you’re already on the right path. Make sure to clear out any stuck energy (meditation, sage smoke) and really take it one morning, one afternoon, one day at a time. Any forward movement feeds into the positive energy, and that is something you do definitely want.

One of the things this Virgo Full Moon brings in is great clarity needed for moving forward. It also calls for you to pay attention to your daily routines and balance in your current life. Spending time in these areas over the next few days will benefit you greatly for this new journey.

Trust and make some moves, my friends.

“Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” ~Rumi


Deck Credit: The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid