FAITH (can sometimes) = REST – 3.4.22

“…rest, in the language of faith, is therefore at once a human and Divine dimension.” – Pope Francis

Good morning and happy Friday to you lovely humans. Today we are going to talk about faith and what it means for you.

For me, when I first hear it, my head immediately goes to Christianity. I was raised Southern Baptist with a mix in of Pentecostal. I actually got married in a Pentecostal church for my first marriage. WOW. What a different life. But what I’m learning and have learned over time, is that faith can mean so many different things. We can have faith that our feet will be pulled to the ground each morning by gravity. Or that the sun will come up to start our days. On a deeper scale, we can have faith in ourselves, (10 out of 10 stars, would highly recommend). What I have heard over the past few years and now realizing for myself personally, is that having faith in yourself is also having faith in the Universe/God. It’s the very same thing. The message here is saying – stop looking, stop fretting, stop prepping to death. The book for this deck describes this as “you may have done all you can, you’ve dug your holes, and buried your bones”. You’ve got this – have faith in yourself that this will turn out wonderful, it’s ok to stop and take a rest right now. You’ll need your strength! Listen to your body – it will do great things for you, if you nourish it and give it the rest it needs.

Stay faithful to your hopes, dreams, and the life you want. Pair that with release and trust that the greater powers, your guides, and ancestors are working on your behalf.


Deck Credit: Divine Dog Wisdom Cards
Barb Horn
Randy Crutcher
Art by Teresa Shishim