DOING THE WORK – 3.10.22

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison

Today’s message talks about doing the necessary inner work emotionally and spiritually, in order to move on in your life. Maybe this is coming up because you’re feeling stuck in one spot, or you’re looking over at others who seem to have found the key to it all and are able to make real progress. You might be looking at a hallway full of closed doors, and it’s sending you into a state of panic or depression. This might not even be that serious, but you get what I’m trying to say.

The two bottom cards show a beautiful combination of abundance, dreams coming to fruition, endless possibilities – and even a spark of something new on the horizon. The top card is where the lesson comes in. In order to receive these gifts from the Universe or move forward in a healthy way for your mind, body, and spirit, you’ve got to dig deep and do the work. Check in with your emotions, how you react to things, see what bubbles up in meditation. If you’re feeling this way, wanting to move forward but you feel stuck in mud – you may have some things hanging on from the past that need to be healed and faced. This card also speaks of wisdom, and without the lessons of your past, you wouldn’t be able to be where you are now – or go where you’re dreaming of.

I was giving a reading to a client a few days ago, and something from his past popped up that he needed to work on before moving on. After going over the pain and hurt and why you need to clear it up, his response was “oh yeah, that’s easy”. It was quite refreshing to hear that! This guy told me he has put in so much effort in his lifetime (spiritually, emotionally, and then actual physical work building his dream world) and has accomplished many things on his own, a little inner work wasn’t going to stop or phase him. Just, wow.

My hope today is that we all find that sweet spot of motivation to clear out the junk in order to receive the gifts and blessings that are waiting for us.

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Deck Credit: Dreams of Gaia Tarot
Ravynne Phelan