A HIDDEN GIFT – 3.7.22

This message is meant to remind you about the hidden gifts in sorrow, sadness, and disappointment. Everything in our physical, Earthly world is meant to change. Sometimes change comes in the form of an answered prayer but answered in a nonconventional way. Or, in simpler terms, not in the way you meant! Change can be a great, welcomed event – or it can be the loss of a loved one. One thing is assured; if we’re alive and breathing, and as long as we’re moving forward, change is inevitable. No matter how hard we work to keep things the same, to stay frozen in time. It’s sad and scary to think about a future with something or someone you love missing from it. Letting go of a job you respect and that has shaped you over the years is hard, but sometimes necessary. Growing pains. I’ve been uttering these words here and there, usually silently to myself, over the past month or so. It’s been rough, letting go of patterns and habits that used to help me survive.

So, it’s funny to me that I pulled this oracle card, and then out pops the very same hidden gifts it’s speaking of. The Sun is reminding you that this change is Divinely guided. The goal is your happiness, joy, and love for life – this is a step to that goal. He maybe even shouting down at you a little, “Look up! And don’t look back. You’re not going that way”.

The Heart card can show romantic love between two people, and that may be true for some. But, in this message, I feel like this card is reminding you to move forward with your heart (chakra) open. So often we close and guard our hearts from fear. We’re sad, so we want to protect ourselves. But what if I told you that keeping your heart open to others can actually help heal it? And in turn, you may be helping somebody else.

You’d think we could just surrender and trust like we’re told to, right? Nope. Because we get to be humans right now, so it’s also part of our duty to wrestle with ideas and morals. Figuring out the “whys” of things is coded in our DNA, which is where some say free will comes in to play. No, you don’t have to do any of this – you can continue with the way things are. I highly don’t suggest that, though. Evolve!

Deck Credit: Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno

Tea Leaf Fortune Cards
Rae Hepburn
Art by Shawna Alexander