36 * Commitment – 3.30.22

“Keep going, because you didn’t come this far just to only come this far.” ~Unknown

That’s a heavy word. There are those who run at the sound of it, or any indication of committing. I won’t touch that one today, there’s way more to those stories.

For now, we’re talking about your current ties to someone or something. There’s lots of love here, good and warm energy. The 8 of Pentacles is showing me that you’ve really wanted this, and you’ve been putting in the work and making the necessary steps to solidify this union. It could be starting off as something small right now, but you see the potential in it, and you want it. Bad. The Page of Swords inverted is signaling that there may be some worry and doubts lingering that you’re giving too much attention to. I keep hearing “self-sabotage”. That’s where this will lead if you’re not controlling the low-vibrational worries and fears.

It’s hard, yes, I know. I struggle with it myself, almost daily! I’ve gotten to a point where I literally talk out loud to myself and say, “STOP IT AIMEE”. We are human, after all. These thoughts come natural to our human bodies and brains, it’s in our DNA. But as spiritual beings, we know better. The first step to silencing the voice is awareness. Teach yourself how to catch it before it goes too far. The Universe is on your side, and I’m always here cheering for you!

No matter what I choose to believe or say,
the Universe always says yes to me.
Therefore, I choose only positive thoughts and words.
With affirmations, I claim my inner power.

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