Speak Your Truth – 2.16.22

These cards led me on quite a journey to get to this message – wow. 


“Spirit is moving in you. You are wisdom and understanding” – What does this mean to you? It can mean so so many things. And for today’s message, there’s a common theme running around in my head with the throat chakra. I chose a blue candle to light before I started, not knowing why just yet. And then was reminded of today’s early morning conversation with a sweet soul sister, focusing on being confident and humble at the same time, void of arrogance. The first thing that popped in my head was “speak your truth with love”. Ahhh, here we go. And here is where Spirit moved within me after drawing this card. For an extra touch, I was drawn to notice the calm, light blue on the card itself. THEN, I immediately saw on my screen a quote from Oprah (lifetime fan over here!) that goes like this…

“Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.” –Oprah Winfrey

Ok, I hear you! 🙂

The Ancient Ones:

And here’s where the hard lesson and message comes in. Our anscestors, full of wisdom and understanding, are reminding us of who we are. We don’t have to be bound and chained to the generational and family curses passed down, it’s really time to break those once and for all. And probably the biggest part of that is speaking your truth with love. In my lifetime, I feel like I have definitely challenged patriarchs, pushed “taboo” boundaries, and have tried to break out of the mold that was already set for me long before I was born. That was all wonderful and I regret nothing. But, the difference now, is that it comes from a place of LOVE and not just rebellion and anarchy. Done out of love invites in healing and forgiveness, being able to break free and move on without guilt and without looking back. You have your family, your anscestors from all of your lives, standing right next to you, behind you, and above; but not in front, because that’s your journey alone to create.
