HEALER – 2.18.22

What do you feel when you look at this card? This absolutely knocked me over when I drew it. I have had some synchronicities you would not believe revolving Jesus in the past 2 weeks. That is another long story that I will absolutely share with you all! For now, the message and events are still evolving.

What comes to mind for you when you see the word “healer”? We consider our earthly medical workers to be our number one healers, for so many obvious reasons. They are absolutely wonderful and necessary in this world. But what about all of the other stuff? Our minds may automatically go to Jesus, the stories of how he healed the masses are numerous and powerful. What if I told you we have the same healing energies at our disposal? That might shock some, but others, I know you know what I’m saying. I have always felt like I was a healer in some ways. All my life I’ve been the person people went to for advice, venting, or to talk something out. My chats with them had a therapeutic effect, and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a therapist or counselor of some kind. It just feels like home to me. Moving into this space of work, I’m able to do exactly what I’ve always been good at and have such a passion for. The other thing was/is teaching, and that’s also on my timeline. 😉

Another form of healing can simply be having empathy for others (humans, animals, plants, etc), and really move into a space of understanding and love. For humans (and even pets-LOL), we often have disagreements, harsh words and actions, and basically plain old judgements of the other. Observing them from a place of empathy will heal the harsh negative aspects, your connection together, and ultimately heal yourself. Reading between my lines – be the one who heals the rift. Even if the other is not responsive or rejects you, you are able to move on in love and without regret. Stop sitting around and fretting over what might happen or worrying how this will play out – take the reins and simply love.


Deck Credit: Rainbow Warrior Activation Deck
Tracee Dunblazier
Justine Serebrin

Where in your life do you feel the pull to heal the wounds? You could be suffering from past hurts that are keeping you from moving forward. That involves some deep-dive healing that may be very long overdue. You will probably be very surprised at how many barriers fall and blocks clear in your path when you do the healing work. Reach out to someone you trust if you need help getting started.