GHOSTLANDS – 2.22.22

This is probably the third message I’ve gotten this afternoon, telling me to be present in some way. I’ve been asking the Universe today for some specifics on things for my future, info on projects I’m starting to work on and that kind of thing. Like, I’ve been feeling the pulls and seeing the signs, but what does it really mean, very specifically, Universe?? Ha! Well, my answer first came in the form of a Polar Bear, reminding me of my Divine purpose and journey – that I do not know the future, but all I can do is follow those pulls and trust. Move forward, do the work, and stay connected. Sitting down to pull a card for this message, I was reminded again to focus on now and what steps or progress I’m making today. Spending too much time in the past (though learning from it is also key) and fretting about the future. All of that takes time away from what I’m doing today.

Yesterday, I was hit in the face with the realization that I haven’t fully dealt with some things about when I was younger, and my parents got divorced. I have been carrying around with me that ol’ ball and chain – the pain and anger about men walking away from me. That’s really hard for me to write. But I was triggered by something my husband did that wasn’t near as serious as I was making it out to be. It was a familiar feeling of anger and white-hot hurt. I was shocked because I thought I had dealt with all of those issues and moved on. But then I saw it. I finally knew the root of that issue, and now I could finally heal it for reals. So, in that case, I briefly visited the past and learned from it, and moved on.

I appreciate you all reading and giving me the space to be vulnerable. Always in hopes that it can help somebody, thus spreading the Light!


“The whole future lives in uncertainty: live immediately” – Seneca

Deck Credit – The Enchanted Map
Colette Baron-Reid