ATTACHMENT – 2.21.22

Letting go, Restriction, Fear

What story are you currently attached to?

Most of the time, we claim attachment to people, things, ideas, pride, vanity, etc. But at the end of the day, the Universe teaches us that basically, each human life is a story we are here playing out on Earth’s stage. The purpose being to learn, grow; and in turn, to teach and lead others to the Light. With that being said, yes – it’s a story, but it’s one that we can change at will. What story are you clinging to, and blinding yourself from the tools necessary to cut the ropes? You yearn for freedom to be you and to be able to say, do, and think the way you want to. Listen, that doesn’t have to be a dream. That can be your story! Whatever reasons or grievances you have in your head for the reason you can’t move forward, I bet they are all tied to outside people and forces. What about you? Don’t YOU get a say in how your story plays out? I know you see me dancing around this…STOP THE VICTIM MENTALITY. That is a choice.

As I spoke about yesterday, I was attached to a very long, deep winding story I created on my own, as the self-proclaimed “Giver”. It probably started out as a way to get people to like me – I had a very strange childhood, socially. People and peers saw me as powerful and cheerful, but that’s not what I had going on inside. There lived a very sad and scared little girl who had no idea what her place in the world meant, and so far, it just felt like she was in the way. So, I made myself small, and wanted to serve others so that maybe they could see the good I wanted to do in the world, but they wouldn’t have to necessarily see me. That evolved over a lifetime, and as you can imagine, created a ton of agony for adulthood. Welp, I’m done with it. That doesn’t mean I no longer want to serve others, I do now more than ever! But going back to yesterday’s message, I serve from a place of love for myself first. I serve from a page in my new and ever evolving storybook, as a chance to connect and share, not a chance to make myself small.


“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” – Ralph Ellison

Deck Credit – Gaia Oracle
Toni Carmine Salerno